Literature Review The Effect Of Oxytocin Massage On Breast Milk Production In Postpartum Mother


  • Eka Priyanti Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Heni Setyowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Oxytocin Massage, Breastmilk Production, Postpartum Mothers


Backround: Various obstacles such as the lack of support from the community, the lack of in-depth communication between mother and bbay or bonding attachments, the independent corial effect regarding the control of a formula milk or the ability to provide breast milk and the introduction of breast milk subsitutes since the mother’s knowledge is low, and health workers who are less about breastfeeding, worry and conflict experienced by mothers, deacreas believes in the themselves in breastfeeding, low baby weight, and the mother is malnutrioushed, this is due to the less influence of the oxytocin hormone due to the lack if stimulation of the baby’s sucking to active the work of the ocytocin hormone. Efforts to stimulate the oxytocin hormone and prolactine hormone by doing oxytocin massage so that milk production can flo smoothly and increase. Object: To determined the effect of oxytocin massage on breast milk production in postpartum mother. Method: Study literature review by taking data from reaserch articles and Google Schoolar, ResearchGate, Pubmed, and DOAJ according to the topic with the independent variable oxytocin massage and the dependent variavle milk production, eith the keywords Oxytocin Massage, Breast milk Production, Postpartum Mothers the selected 7 articles for review. Result: The 7 reseach articles had a significant effect on oxytocin massage on breast milk production on postpartum mother. Oxytocin massage is best done on the first to third day in the morning and evening. In the afternoon, 2 hours before breastfeeding with a duration of 15-30 minutes ith oxytocin massage Standart Oprational Prossedur can be done by family, healthy workers, or husband. Conclusion: The result of the literature review can be useful for the development of science and be used as a scienced reference in providing non pharmacological services in the postpartum period, especially those eho have problems with substandard milk production.



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How to Cite

Priyanti, E. ., & Setyowati, H. (2022). Literature Review The Effect Of Oxytocin Massage On Breast Milk Production In Postpartum Mother. Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 269–282. Retrieved from