Making System Information Library at Hidayah Vocational School


  • Jaya Ramadaey Bangsa Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


System Information Library , Hidayah Vocational School, Loans Books , Returns Books , Web-based.


Library is one of facility important in schools that support the learning and development process knowledge students . However , the management library manually often gets in the way efficiency and effectiveness services . Research This aiming For design and implement System Information Library web -based at SMK Hidayah, in order to increase performance and quality service library . The system developed covering module borrowing and returning book , search collection , as well as making report automatic . The results of the implementation show that system This capable increase efficiency of administrative processes , speeding up search books , and make it easier management collection book . User , either student and manager library , providing bait come back positive related convenience and speed in access service library . Although Thus , the challenge related stability Network and needs training advanced for manager Still need be noticed . In overall , system This succeed increase quality service library at Hidayah Vocational School and can become solution For school others who face problem similar .


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How to Cite

Jaya Ramadaey Bangsa. (2023). Making System Information Library at Hidayah Vocational School. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 281–285. Retrieved from