Training System School Website Information
School Website , System Information , Website Design, WordPress, Management Content , Digital Marketing .Abstract
Training System School Website Information aiming For give skills practical to school website manager in designing , managing , and maintaining an effective and efficient school website . In the digital era, school websites become very important tool For convey information in a way fast and easy accessible to students , parents , and the community . Training This covers introduction base about school website concept , user friendly design users , as well as ways manage student content and data online . Participants trained using a platform like WordPress to building a responsive website , with clear structure , and easy navigated . In addition , training This also teaches participant method For manage information like timetable lessons , announcements , grades academic , and activities other with efficient . The result of training This show improvement skills participant in create a suitable website with need school , and ability For manage and update content in a way independent . With Thus , training This contribute to the improvement quality management information school and communication between schools , students , and parents .
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