Analysis of ‘Mal’ Female Character in Descendant Movie
Psychological Behavior, Lajos Egri, QualitativeAbstract
This study analyzes a film entitled Descendant by using psychological theory, especially the psychology of behaviorism. The researcher aims to determine what factors can influence the formation of character characters, especially Mal as the female lead. In this case, the author uses the theory of 3 dimensions by Lajos Egri. This study uses a qualitative method, where the author provides several notes in the dialogues that address several reasons and factors for the formation of Mal's character. The results of this study indicate that the formation of a person's character is also due to environmental factors, family, friends, and society. When Mal lived with her mother on Island Lost, she had the evilest and most cunning character, but after she moved to Aurodon, she met a good environment and people so that his character turned into a good one.
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