An Analysis Liberal Feminism in Enola Holmes Movie


  • Andini Tiara Prameswari Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Endang Susilowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Feminism,liberal feminism, Woman


Feminism is a women's movement to fight for their rights that occurred during the victorian period, this study aims to discuss liberal feminism that occurred in the Enola Holmes film and during the victorian period, this study uses descriptive qualitative methods, and uses feminism liberal theory, in this study Using characters and characterizations that will be examined using liberal feminism theory, the results of this study have several characters that reflect someone who fights for their rights as a woman within the scope of liberal feminism, such as the mother of Enola Holmes, who turned out to be someone who was very dangerous at that time. That's because he and his group have a group that is engaged in politics, and the nature of his own mother is also not the same as what was actually normal at that time, he educated his daughter named Enola in his own way, he was trained to be able to master various martial arts, studying various books, playing swords and archery. she also has a nature that is not much different from her mother she is someone who wants to be free and have her own future without being controlled by someone . The comparison between the Enola and Victorian eras is also not much different. During the Victorian era, they also did the same thing, even though they were led by a queen, women during the Victorian period also had limitations that a woman could not do, such as politics.


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How to Cite

Prameswari, A. T. ., & Susilowati, E. . (2022). An Analysis Liberal Feminism in Enola Holmes Movie. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 1(1), 46–52. Retrieved from