An Analysis of Code Switching in Retrocession Novel by Ayunita Kuraisy


  • Mahya Agfiyani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Dewi Rosnita Hardiany Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Code Switching, Types, Functions


Code switching is bilingual speech from any phrase that includes component from two or more languages. Code switching can be found in spoken or written utterances. Retrocession novel by Ayunita Kuraisy is one of the novels that containing code switching. The purpose of the research is to find types and functions of code switching in the novel. The research used descriptive qualitative. The researcher used theory from Poplack (1980) to find the three types of code switching, and used theory from Gumperz (1982) to find the six functions of code switching. The result of the types, tag switching (44), inter-sentential switching (164) and intra-sentential switching (100). While the result of functions, quotation (2), address specification (22), interjection (15), repetition (10), message qualification (45) and personalization (63). It can be concluded that the dominant types is inter-sentential switching, and the dominant functions is personalization.


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How to Cite

Agfiyani, M. ., & Hardiany, D. R. . (2022). An Analysis of Code Switching in Retrocession Novel by Ayunita Kuraisy. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 1(1), 58–60. Retrieved from