An Analysis Dynamics of Instinct Development and Anxiety of Main Character Luke and Cassie in The Purple Hearts Film


  • Irma Dwi Safitri Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


This study analyzed the film entitled Purple Hearts directed by Elizabeth Allen. This study was to describe the dynamics of personality instinct and anxiety. To find instinct, life instincts are more than death instinct. anxiety is realistic anxiety, neurotic anxiety and moral anxiety, focusing on the psychoanalytic approach of Sigmund Freud. The information received is mainly related to the main characters Luke and Cassie who have many problems in his life that fish instinct and anxiety. The first source of the study took the scenes and dialogue scripts from the film and the second source of this research was taken from relevant books and documents from the internet. The research used qualitative methods where the data collection technique was observation in analyzing data, and the cause analysis technique that appeared on the main characters in the Purple Hearts film. The study found that high id desire was driven by ego control, while the superego did not work perfectly to motivate the ego on the major characters Luke and Cassie to pursue moral goals.


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How to Cite

Irma Dwi Safitri. (2023). An Analysis Dynamics of Instinct Development and Anxiety of Main Character Luke and Cassie in The Purple Hearts Film. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 109–116. Retrieved from