Juridical Review of The Implementation of Criminal Penalties for Acts of Child Sexual Violence (Case Study Decision Number 989/Pid.sus/2021/PN Bdg Junctis 86/Pid.sus/2022/PT Bdg, 5642K/Pid.sus/2022)


  • Shinta Zulfa Kurniawati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Arista Candra Irawati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Juridical Review, Sexual Violence, Decisions


Indonesia is a legal country that protects all the rights of its people, including children's human rights. Protection of children is of concern to the government because of the increasing number of cases of violence against children, especially cases of sexual violence against children. In this case the author examines the implementation of regulations related to child protection, especially in handling cases of sexual violence against children in judges' decisions, using normative juridical methods the author examines judges' considerations in decisions of the Bandung District Court, Bandung High Court and Supreme Court. In the author's view, there is a disparity in the decisions of the District Court and the High Court and the Supreme Court. Judges must consider the substance of the legal objectives, namely justice, expediency and legal certainty. When making decisions, we don't just look at one statutory provision but also look at other legal provisions that are still relevant, and also look from the perspective of the victim, perpetrator and the wider community.


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The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 1979 concerning Child Welfare. State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3134, Jakarta.

The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code (KUHP).

Law Number 8 of 1981 concerning the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP).

Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection.

Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Establishment of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 of 2016 concerning the second amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection as law.

Law Number. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System.

Supreme Court Circular Number 1 of 2000 concerning Punishment to be Proportional to the Severity and Nature of the Crime dated 30 June 2000.

Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2022 concerning Procedures for Requesting and Providing Restitution and Compensation to Victims of Crime.

Government Regulation Number 43 of 2017 concerning Implementation of Restitution for Children who are Victims of Crime.



https://www. Suara.com/news/2022/04/04/190607/perjalanan-case-herry-wirawan-pemerkosa-13-santriwati-besar-didunia-mati



Interview with Mr. Mas Hadi Polo, Judge of Ungaran District Court




How to Cite

Shinta Zulfa Kurniawati, & Arista Candra Irawati. (2023). Juridical Review of The Implementation of Criminal Penalties for Acts of Child Sexual Violence (Case Study Decision Number 989/Pid.sus/2021/PN Bdg Junctis 86/Pid.sus/2022/PT Bdg, 5642K/Pid.sus/2022). The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 275–280. Retrieved from https://callforpaper.unw.ac.id/index.php/ICOELH/article/view/645