Educational Leadership Models in Education Management: A Conceptual Article


  • Budiati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Education Management, Leadership Model


Management is the science and art of managing the process of utilizing human resources and other sources effectively and efficiently to achieve a certain goal. Leadership is mentioned as a necessity for reforming educational institutions. It has the potential to influence teachers’ performance and the academic success of students. Transactional, transformational, and instructional leadership models were found out to be the most prominent types of leadership. However, there is no model that is the best one. Each leadership model has its advantages and disadvantages. It is better for the leader in this case school headmaster to determine what kind of leadership model is suitable for his/her school.


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How to Cite

Budiati. (2024). Educational Leadership Models in Education Management: A Conceptual Article. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 3(1), 7–13. Retrieved from