Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) pada Ny L Umur 29 tahun G8P7A0 di CBVC


  • Domingas Soares Cardoso Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Heni Setyowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, neonatal are physiological conditions that may threaten the life of mother and baby and even can cause death. One of the efforts that can be made is to implement a comprehensive midwifery care model that can optimize early detection of high maternal neonatal risk.  The aim of the research is to analyze the implementation of midwifery care for pregnant women, childbirth, postpartum, newborn baby and family planning. The research method is descriptive observational. Case study approaches to the implementation of midwifery care including care for pregnancy, childbirth, newborn, postpartum, and family planning. The sample was a third trimester pregnant women with a gestational age 28.3 weeks, G8P7A0. The research time is April 2024 - June 2024 in the work area Centro Bimonc Vera Cruz Dili.  The researchinstrument uses the SOAP documentation method with Varney’s management mindset. Collection techniques use primary data through interview, observation, physical examination, and secondary data through LISIO book. The results of the care obtained were Mrs. L, G8P7A0 who was 28.3 weeks pregnant. The delivery was normal and she received analgesic therapy and iron tablets. The postpartum period was normal, there were no bleeding, good uterine contractions, lochea rubra, no perennial wounds in the genital tract, and the mother received vitamin A.  The results of the anthropometric examination of the newborn were 3030 gram was normal and Mrs. L decided to use birth control implant.



Masa kehamilan, persalinan, nifas, neonatus merupakan suatu keadaan fisiologis yang kemungkinan mengancam jiwa ibu, bayi bahkan menyebabkan kematian.  Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan menerapkan model asuhan kebidanan komperhensif yang dapat mengoptimalkan deteksi dini resiko tinggi maternal neonatal. Tujuan penelitian melakukan analisis pelaksanaan asuhan kebidanan ibu hamil, bersalin, nifas, bayi baru lahir   dan   keluarga berencana (KB). Metode penelitian   observasional deskriptif. Pendekatan studi kasus pada pelaksanaan asuhan kebidanan meliputi asuhan kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir, nifas dan keluarga berencana (KB). Sample adalah seorang ibu hamil trimester III usia kehamilan 28.3 minggu, G8P7A0. Waktu penelitian April 2024 - Juni 2024 di wilayah kerja Centro Bimonc Vera Cruz Dili. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan metode dokumentasi SOAP dengan pola pikir Manajemen Varney. Tehnik pengumpulan menggunakan data primer melalui wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, buku LISIO. Hasil asuhan didapatkan Ny. L G8P7A0 usia kehamilan 28.3 minggu. Persalinan berlangsung secara normal dan mendapatkan terapi analgetik dan tablet besi. Masa nifas berlangsung normal, tidak ada perdarahan, kontraksi uterus baik, lochea rubra,tidak ada luka perenium pada traktus genitalia, ibu mendapatkan vitamin A. Pada bayi baru lahir hasil pemeriksaan antropometri BB 3030 gram adalah normal dan Ny. L memutuskan untuk menggunakan KB Implant.


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How to Cite

Domingas Soares Cardoso, & Heni Setyowati. (2024). Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) pada Ny L Umur 29 tahun G8P7A0 di CBVC. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dan CFP Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 3(1), 1003–1013. Retrieved from