Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) pada Ny. I G2P1A0 Umur 31 Tahun Persalinan dengan Counterpressure di Wilayah Puskesmas Sumowono


  • Suryani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Isfaizah Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Asuhan kebidanan, Komperehensif, Persalinan, Counterpressure


COC to monitor and detect possible complications for the mother and baby from pregnancy to using contraceptives. The author is interested in providing COC Midwifery Care for Mrs. I G2P1A0 Age 31 Years in the Sumowono Community Health Center Working Area. The method used is a case study. Held from 20 July to 18 September 2024. The subjects used were pregnant women in the third trimester. Methods and Techniques for collecting data through interviews, observation and physical examination. The results of care for pregnant women found maternal discomfort in the form of Braxton Hicks contractions and back pain. The focus of care explains that this is normal for pregnant women in the third trimester, providing a sense of comfort and preparation for the birthing process. Mrs. I's labor care entered the 1st, II, III and IV stages of labor, with labor pain in the 1st stage. The focus of care in the 1st stage was to provide support for the labor process, and care to reduce labor pain, namely couterpressure. BBL care found no problems. The focus of care is keeping the baby warm, teaching the correct way to breastfeed, detecting danger signs for the baby and caring for the baby at home. The care of postpartum mothers is monitored by KF1, KF2, KF3, and KF4. During monitoring, problems with complaints of pain and poor breast milk were found, the focus of care was providing IEC for perineal wound pain, care for perineal suture wounds and efforts to facilitate breast milk with counseling on nutritious foods and oxytocin massage. At 5 weeks postpartum, contraceptive counseling was given and the mother chose 3-month injectable birth control. There is no gap between theory and fact. The conclusions and suggestions obtained are that in midwifery care for pregnancy, childbirth, BBL, and postpartum, the results were in accordance with the staff's expectations, the patient was cooperative and responded well, so that it proceeded normally (physiologically) and smoothly.


COC untuk memantau dan mendeteksi kemungkinan timbulnya komplikasi ibu dan bayi dari kehamilan sampai menggunakan alat kontrasepsi. Penulis tertarik melakukan Asuhan Kebidanan COC pada Ny. I G2P1A0 Umur 31 Tahun di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sumowono. Metode yang digunakan adalah Study penelaahan kasus (Case Study). Dilaksanakan tanggal 20 Juli-18 September 2024. Subyek yang digunakan ibu hamil trimester III. Metode dan Teknik Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan pemeriksaan fisik. Hasil Asuhan pada ibu hamil ditemukan ketidaknyamanan ibu berupa kontraksi Braxton hicks dan nyeri punggung. Focus asuhan menjelaskan hal tersebut normal terjadi pada ibu hamil trimester III, memberikan rasa nyaman, dan persiapan menghadapi proses persalinan. Asuhan persalinan Ny.I memasuki persalinan kala 1, II,III dan IV, dengan nyeri persalinan pada kala 1. Focus asuhan pada kala 1 yaitu memberikan dukungan proses persalinan, dan asuhan mengurangi nyeri persalinan yaitu couterpressure. Asuhan BBL tidak ditemukan masalah. Focus asuhan menjaga kehangatan bayi, mengajari cara menyusui yang benar, mendeteksi tanda bahaya bayi dan perawatan bayi di rumah. Asuhan ibu nifas dilakukan pemantauan KF1, KF2, KF3, dan KF4. Selama pemantauan ditemukan masalah keluhan nyeri dan ASI kurang lancar, focus asuhan memberikan KIE nyeri luka perineum, perawatan luka jahitan perineum dan upaya memperlancar ASI dengan konseling makanan bergizi. Pada 5 minggu postpartum diberikan konseling alat kontrasepsi dan ibu memilih KB suntik 3 bulan. Tidak ada kesenjangan antara teori dan fakta. Kesimpulan dan saran yang diperoleh yaitu pada asuhan kebidanan kehamilan, persalinan, BBL, dan nifas didapatkan hasil sesuai dengan harapan petugas, pasien kooperatif dan memberi respon yang baik, sehingga berlangsung normal (fisiologis) dan lancar.


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How to Cite

Suryani, & Isfaizah. (2024). Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care (COC) pada Ny. I G2P1A0 Umur 31 Tahun Persalinan dengan Counterpressure di Wilayah Puskesmas Sumowono. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dan CFP Kebidanan Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 3(2), 1890–1901. Retrieved from