The Description of Covid-19 Patients with Comorbidities at K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro General Hospital of Semarang


  • Ninggar Febriyani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Yunita Galih Yudanari Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


The description, Comorbidities, Patients with COVID-19


Corona virus disease (COVID-19), is the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and it causes substantial morbidity and mortality. Older age and the presence of diabeticum, hypertension, and overweight significantly increase the risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients. To find out the description of COVID-19 patients with co-morbidities at RSUD K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro Semarang The design of this research is descriptive. The populations in this study were COVID-19 patients with comorbidities with a sample of 1795 respondents taken using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection tools used is medical records. The data were analyzed using the frequency distribution formula and calculated using the SPSS data processing software COVID-19 patients with the most comorbidity were hypertension 50.8%, diabetes mellitus 44.6%, cardiovascular heart 4.0%, lung disease 0.3%, and obesity 0.3%. It is hoped that the community will always protect themselves from COVID-19, especially those who have comorbidities.


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How to Cite

Febriyani, N. ., & Yudanari, Y. G. (2022). The Description of Covid-19 Patients with Comorbidities at K.R.M.T Wongsonegoro General Hospital of Semarang. Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 220–224. Retrieved from