Blood Glucose Level in Low Birth Weigth Preterem and Low Birth Weigth Aterm: Comparasion Study in Ambarawa Hospital


  • Fatonahsit Fatonahsiti a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:5:"fitri";}
  • Heni Hirawati Pranoto Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Auly Tarmali Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Blood Glucose Level, LBW preterm, LBW aterm


Case of Low Birth Weight (LBW) in Semarang regency is still quite high, in 2016 as many as 44 (29.14%). LBW in Ambarawa Regional Hospital in 2017 as many as 120 (38,71%). Preterm and aterm LBW have differences in the organ that is not fully formed and causes susceptible to decreased blood glucose level. The purpose of this study is to find the difference in blood glucose level inlow birth weight preterm baby and low birth weight aterm baby in Ambarawa public hospital.The research method used descriptive comparative with cross study approach, the population 141 babies and samples  59 babies. The Mann-Whitney test was used to examine the hypothesis in this study. Using Mann-Whitney stastical test, it is obtained that p value= 0,001 or p-value < 0,05 which meant that the Ha was accepted. There is difference inblood glucose level in low birth weight preterm baby and low birth weight aterm baby in Ambarawa public hospital. LBW preterm babies have abnormal blood glucose  as much as 27 babies (67, 5%), where normal blood glucose levels were 13 babies (32, 5%). LBW aterm  babies had abnormal blood glucosa as many as six babies (31, 6), normal blood glucose levels were 13 babies (68.4%). This shows the difference in blood glucose levels between LBW preterm babies and LBW aterm babies at Ambarawa Regional Hospital. It is expected that health staffs increase awareness of blood glucosa levels in preterm LBW because it is more at risk of hypoglycemia.


Kasus Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di Kabupaten Semarang masih cukup tinggi, pada tahun 2016 sebanyak 44 (29,14 %). BBLR di RSUD Ambarawa tahun 2017 sebayak 120 (38,71%). BBLR preterm dan aterm mempunyai perbedaan pada organ yang belum terbentuk sempurna dan  menyebabkan rentan terjadi penurunan kadar gula darah sewaktu. Tujuan penelitianini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar gula darah sewaktu antara bayi BBLR preterm dengan bayi BBLR aterm di RSUD Ambarawa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini deskriptif komperatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan jumlah populasi141 bayi danjumlah sample 59 bayi. Teknik yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian ini adalah uji Mann Whitney. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan Mann Whitney didapatkan p value = 0,001 atau p value < 0,05 yang artinya Ha diterima. Ada perbedaan kadar gula darah sewaktu antara bayi BBLR preterm dengan bayi BBLR aterm di RSUD Ambarawa. Dengan hasil bayi BBLR preterm mempunyai gula darah sewaktu tidak normal sebanyak 27 responden (67,5%),  kadar gula darah sewaktu normal sebanyak 13bayi (32,5%). Bayi BBLR aterm  mempunyai gula darah sewaktu tidak normal sebanyak 6 bayi (31,6), kadar gula darah sewaktu normal sebanyak 13 bayi (68,4%)Hal ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kadar gula darah sewaktu antara bayi BBLR preterm dengan bayi BBLR aterm di RSUD Ambarawa. Diharapkan petugas kesehatan lebih meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap kadar gula darah sewaktu pada BBLR preterm karena lebih beresiko mengalami hipoglokemia


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Cara Mengutip

Fatonahsiti, F., Pranoto, H. H. ., & Tarmali, A. . (2022). Blood Glucose Level in Low Birth Weigth Preterem and Low Birth Weigth Aterm: Comparasion Study in Ambarawa Hospital. Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 103–109. Diambil dari