Impact of The Use of Gadgets on The Social Development of Pre-School Children in PAUD Kober Karisma BKN Jati Karangsari Binong Subang in 2021


  • Sri Pratnawati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Risma Aliviani Putri Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Impact of Gadgets, Children's Social Development


The social development of preschool children can be seen when children start to join play groups, the social development of preschool children in the modern era is decreasing, the habits of children who prefer to spend their time playing gadgets rather than interacting with peers, and people around them, so that they will have a negative impact on children's social development.To determine the use of gadgets, duration of use, the role of parents and teachers, the impact of using gadgets, as well as efforts to address the impact of using gadgets on children's social development.This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of in-depth interviews and observations, the main informants are 6 children aged 3-6 years and 10 informants triangulation parents, teachers and midwives. The instruments used were interview guides and observation sheets. The use of gadgets >1 hour/day, makes children addicted to having an impact on social interaction and the development of children's independence. Parents play an active role in supervising and controlling their children in using gadgets, teachers in schools play a role in building children's character and paying attention to children's development at school. Efforts by parents to spend time, recreation with children, limiting the use of gadgets, teachers provide traditional games that build cooperation with their friends.


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Cara Mengutip

Pratnawati, S. ., & Putri, R. A. (2022). Impact of The Use of Gadgets on The Social Development of Pre-School Children in PAUD Kober Karisma BKN Jati Karangsari Binong Subang in 2021. Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 245–255. Diambil dari