Overview of Elderly Knowledge About Posyandu Elderly in Mekarwangi Village


  • Ismi Hoirunnisa Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Heni Setyowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Knowledge, Elderly, Elderly Posyandu


Elderly Posyandu is an integrated service post for the elderly in a certain area that has been agreed upon and is mobilized by the community so that the elderly get adequate health services. However, the elderly posyandu in Mekarwangi Village was not used properly, and also based on a preliminary study it was found that 3 out of 5 elderly did not understand well about the implementation of the elderly posyandu, the services provided at the elderly posyandu. to find out the knowledge of the elderly about the meaning of the posyandu for the elderly, to determine the knowledge of the elderly about the benefits and objectives of the posyandu for the elderly, to determine the knowledge of the elderly about the goals of the posyandu for the elderly, to determine the knowledge of the elderly about the implementation of the posyandu for the elderly, to determine the knowledge of the elderly about the types of services for the elderly posyandu. This research uses descriptive design, the approach used in this study is cross-sectional. The population of this study is the elderly who live in Mekarwangi Village numbering 292 elderly. This study showed elderly knowledge about the understanding of senior posyandu most well-informed as many as 28 (63.6) respondents, and knowledge less as much as 2 (4.5%). Seniors with knowledge of the most knowledgeable types of services were 36 (81.8%) respondents and less known as many as 8 (18.2) respondents. For the elderly knowledge about the benefits and goals, the targets, and implementation of elderly posyandu still have to be improved.


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Cara Mengutip

Hoirunnisa, I. ., & Setyowati, H. . (2022). Overview of Elderly Knowledge About Posyandu Elderly in Mekarwangi Village. Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 155–164. Diambil dari https://callforpaper.unw.ac.id/index.php/ICH-UNW/article/view/43