Nutrition Value Purple Sweet Potato Ice cream as a Snack For Children School


  • Riva Mustika Anugrah Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Ela Suryani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Ice cream, Nutrition Value, Purple Sweet Potato, Children School


Ice cream is one type of snack that is liked by people of all ages. Ice cream can be made with a variety of flavors with the addition of food ingredients to increase its nutritional value. One of the local foods that have a sweet taste and attractive color so it can be added in making ice cream is purple sweet potato. The purpose of this research to analyze the nutrition value ( energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate) of sweet purple potatos ice cream . For this experiment, two formulation were used : Formulation 1 (F1), 20:80 ratio of purple sweet potato to milk and formulation 2 (F2) 30:70 ratio of purple sweet potato to milk.Proximate analysis of the ice cream was conducted. The result show that the F1 sweet potato ice cream had a total energy content of 172,34 kcal/100g, protein content of 15,50 g/100 g, fat content of 6,79 g/100g and carbohydrate content 12,31 g/100g whereas the sweet potato ice cream F2 had a total energy content of 154,44 kcal/100 g,  protein content 15,97 g/100g, fat content 6,05 g/100 g an carbohydrate content 9,11 g/100 g. The data collected from the acceptance test with 25 panelists showed there was no differences the texture, taste and aroma for both formulated ice cream but there was differences the colour for both formualated ice cream.


Es krim merupakan salah satu jenis jajanan yang disukai oleh ssemua usia. Es krim dapat dibuat dengan berbagai rasa dengan penambahan bahan makanan untuk meningkatkan nilai gizinya. Salah satu makanan lokal yang memiliki rasa manis dan warna yang menarik sehingga dapat ditambahkan dalam pembuatan es krim adalah ubi jalar ungu. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis nilai gizi (energi, protein, lemak dan karbohidrat) es krim ubi ungu.penelitian ini menggunakan dua formulasi yaitu Formula 1 (F1), rasio ubi jalar ungu terhadap susu 20:80 dan formula 2 (F2) rasio ubi jalar ungu terhadap susu 30:70. Analisis proksimat es krim dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa es krim ubi jalar F1 memiliki kadar energi total 172,34 kkal/100g, kadar protein 15,50 g/100 g, kadar lemak 6,79 g/100g dan kadar karbohidrat 12,31 g/100g sedangkan es krim ubi jalar F2 memiliki kandungan energi total 154,44 kkal/100 g, kandungan protein 15,97 g/100g, kandungan lemak 6,05 g/100 g dan kandungan karbohidrat 9,11 g/100 g. Data yang diperoleh dari uji daya terima dengan 25 panelis menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan tekstur, rasa dan aroma untuk kedua formula es krim  tetapi terdapat perbedaan warna untuk kedua  formula es krim.


Data unduhan belum tersedia.


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Cara Mengutip

Anugrah, R. M. ., & Ela Suryani. (2022). Nutrition Value Purple Sweet Potato Ice cream as a Snack For Children School . Proceedings of Conference on Health Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, 1(1), 61–65. Diambil dari