Learning Pocket Money Management to Create A Productive Generation Among High School Teenagers


  • Ari Siswati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Pocket Money Management , High School Teenagers , Financial Education , Productivity , Money Management


Pocket money management is skills important things to do owned by teenagers , especially at the high school level , as part from learning finances that can help they become productive and independent individuals . This article aiming For discuss importance education pocket money management for high school students and method effective learning​ in develop skills finance them . Through approach based on experience and discussion group , teenagers can Study manage their money with wise , make decision proper financial , as well as to form pattern disciplined thinking​ to finance . The results of learning This expected can create generation younger than​ Ready face challenge financial in the future , with ability For arrange priority spending and saving For need term length . This article also emphasizes that learning about money management no only functioning in context pocket money management only , but also as foundation important For planning more finances​ mature in the future .


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How to Cite

Ari Siswati. (2022). Learning Pocket Money Management to Create A Productive Generation Among High School Teenagers. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 1(1), 206–208. Retrieved from https://callforpaper.unw.ac.id/index.php/ICOELH/article/view/1057