Evaluation of Internal Quality Assurance Implementation at Atma Jaya Catholic University
Evaluation, CIPP Model, Quality Assurance, Higher Education.Abstract
This study evaluates the implementation of quality assurance at a private university in Indonesia, namely Atma Jaya Catholic University, Jakarta (UAJJ). The aim is to find out the quality (merit) and benefits (worth) of implementing the SPMI program at UAJJ comprehensively because stakeholders do not understand it. UAJJ itself has implemented SPMI (Internal Quality Assurance System) consistently since 2017 based on the PPEPP model cycle (Penetapan=Determination, Pelaksanaan=Implementation, Evaluasi=Evaluation, Pengelolaan=Management, and Peningkatan=Improvement) as an implementation guideline. This qualitative method uses the evaluation of the CIPP model developed by Stufflebeam. The CIPP model consists of the Context, Input, Process, and Product components and each related sub-component. The components and sub-components become the object of this research. The results and data analysis show that the implementation of Internal Quality Assurance in the UAJJ is of high quality and beneficial for all stakeholders. The conclusion and discussion materials are that quality assurance efforts and internal QA implementation, both at UAJJ, other higher education institutions, and professional researchers need to develop and seek internal QA implementation strategies to ensure the health of higher education institutions, especially in the three core values, namely student learning, research, and community service.
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