Analysis of Bank Central Asia's Financial Performance Stability During the Covid 19 Pandemic
Financial Performance, ROA, CAR, NPL.Abstract
Covid-19 is an epidemic that spreads throughout the country and is the cause of an economic shock, which affects other macroeconomic variables, causing a considerable impact on economic instability in various countries. This virus has an impact on the whole world from the aspect of people's lives in the economy. PT Bank Central Asia Tbk is one of the largest banks in Indonesia. This bank was established on February 21, 1957 under the name Bank Central Asia NV and Industrie Semarang Knitting Factory. Bank BCA has grown to become one of the largest banks in Indonesia by offering various banking solutions that address the financial needs of customers from various backgrounds. Through a variety of products and services, BCA's financial solutions provide support for individual financial planning and the development of business customers. Bank BCA is one of the industries that is very influential with the impact of Covid-19. This is reflected in the Return On Assets (ROA) during the Covid_19 pandemic which tends to be good, the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) during the Covid_19 pandemic tends to be stable and non-performing loans. (NPL) during the Covid_19 pandemic can be said to be not good because of the decline that comes from restructured loans, the three financial ratios show how quickly the real sector rises from adversity.
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