Analysis of Work Discipline, Organizational Commitment and Work Environment to Employee Performance of Widya Work and Training Institution (LPK) in Semarang
Work Discipline, Organizational Commitment And Work Environment And PerformanceAbstract
Human resources are one of the important factors in a company to achieve its goals and objectives, because human resources are one of the determining factors for the success or failure of a company in achieving its goals. One thing that must be considered in managing human resources is the placement of employees. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a simultaneous influence of work discipline, organizational commitment and work environment on the performance of LPK Widya employees in Semarang, either partially or simultaneously. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. While the data collection techniques with questionnaires, interviews and observations. Data analysis used validity test analysis, reliability test and multiple regression analysis. Hypothesis testing using t test, F test and coefficient of determination. The results of the regression equation from the research conducted are Y = 9.067 + 0.188X1 + 0.634 X2 + 0.092X3. The analysis of each variable shows that the work discipline variable has a t count of 2,206 which is greater than the t table, which is 1.990, the organizational commitment variable has a t count of 13,890 which is greater than the t table, which is 1.990, the work environment variable has a t count of 2,685 which is greater than the t table. ie 1.990. This shows that the three variables show a significant influence between each of the three variables on performance. As for the variables of work discipline, organizational commitment and work environment together on performance, the F count is 75,893, which is greater than the F table, which is 2.93. This means that there is a significant influence between work discipline, organizational commitment and work environment simultaneously on performance. Work discipline (X1), organizational commitment (X2) and work environment (X3) in explaining the dependent variable (performance) amounted to 77.3%, while the remaining 22.7% was explained by other variables not examined, for example career development., job satisfaction, work motivation and so on. Based on the conclusions above, the researchers can provide the following suggestions: Improve work discipline that has been applied so far. Abilities and skills. It is hoped that a sense of belonging to fellow employees will emerge so that they will be committed to work and be solid at work. And an adequate and comfortable work environment will improve employee performance at work.
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