Determinants Factor of Interest Rate and Their Effect on Satisfaction


  • Irsal Fauzi Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Interest rate, Customer satisfaction, Bank


The strategy of a bank in increasing the amount of credit, can be in the form of getting new debtors and increasing the credit of existing debtors. The strategy to increase the credit of existing debtors starts from the idea that the cost of retaining customers is much cheaper than the cost of acquiring new customers. The bank will try to find ways to maximize the sales potential of its existing customer base. This study will examine the interest rate and its effect on customer satisfaction in taking credit. The population used in this study were new customers who applied for credit loans at BPR Semarang Regency in January-February 2022. The samples taken in this study were customers who had applied for credit loans more than once at BPR Semarang Regency, totaling 35 people. . The method in this study uses a quantitative approach and uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that interest rates need to be maintained, even increased in order to increase customer satisfaction. Satisfaction is an important factor for an organization, such as a BPR, because if the customer is satisfied, it will increase the BPR's profits.


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How to Cite

Fauzi, I. . (2022). Determinants Factor of Interest Rate and Their Effect on Satisfaction. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 1(1), 104–107. Retrieved from