The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Company Size on Company Value with Profitability as A Moderation Variable in Manufacturing Companies in 2021


  • Ratna Asti Aditya Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Dewi Ariani Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Arda Raditya Tantra Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Company Value, Company Size, Profitability


The purpose of this research is to find out whether corporate social responsibility and profitability affect firm value and whether profitability is a moderating variable between CSR, firm size, and firm value. The research sample includes 30 listed manufacturing companies on the IDX for the 2021 period using a purposive sampling technique. The data in this study comes from secondary data obtained through documentary techniques. Data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that CSR affects firm value, profitability affects firm value, firm size influences firm value and profitability can moderate the relationship between CSR and firm value. Suggestions in this study are intended for researchers who are expected to be more in-depth information about the concept of CSR, profitability and corporate value, and must be sensitive to the problems that are currently developing. Future researchers can use a wider range of items and add other variables that have not been or are rarely studied. For companies to increase profits so that the value of the company increases and illuminates the importance of corporate social responsibility. An investor must be more careful in considering aspects that need attention in an investment that is not only focused on the size of the company's value.


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How to Cite

Ratna Asti Aditya, Dewi Ariani, & Arda Raditya Tantra. (2024). The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Company Size on Company Value with Profitability as A Moderation Variable in Manufacturing Companies in 2021. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 225–235. Retrieved from