Financial Management Learning for High School Students to Minimize Consumptive Attitudes
Kata Kunci:
Financial Management Learning, Consumptive Attitude, Technology-Based Learning, High School StudentsAbstrak
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of financial management learning for high school students in minimizing consumer attitudes. The learning used in this study is based on case-based methods, financial simulations, and technology applications to provide practical experience in personal financial management. This study uses mixed methods with a quantitative approach through pre-test and post-test, and qualitative through interviews and observations. The results of the study indicate that more interactive and technology-based learning has a significant impact on improving students' financial knowledge and reducing consumer attitudes. The experimental group that participated in case-based and technology-based learning experienced an average score increase of 35%, while the control group that participated in conventional learning only experienced a 15% increase. Observations and interviews also showed that students involved in interactive learning began to implement wiser financial management, such as preparing a budget and prioritizing spending for more important needs. This study also found that the use of financial applications in learning provides students with an effective tool to monitor and manage their spending in real-time. Parental support in the learning process has also been shown to play an important role in changing students' financial attitudes. Therefore, it can be concluded that financial management learning based on experience and technology can help minimize the consumerist attitudes of high school students and provide useful skills in managing their personal finances in the future.
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