Training on the Use of Digital Services for D3 Nursing Students at Poltekkes Semarang
Kata Kunci:
Digital Training , Digital Competence , Students Nursing , Blended Learning, Health DigitalizationAbstrak
Study This aiming For evaluate effectiveness of training programs utilization digital services for D3 Nursing students Semarang Polytechnic of Health in increase digital competencies needed in the digitalization era health . Using mixed method approach , research involving 120 4th semester students who participated in the training program with a blended learning format. Data collection was carried out through pre-test and post-test, observation structured interviews , semi- structured interviews , and focus group discussions. The results of the study show improvement significant in score knowledge from 65.3 (SD=8.2) to 87.6 (SD=6.4), with 85% of participants reach level " proficient " competence in use of telemedicine platforms and 78% in patient data management electronics . Analysis qualitative disclose that blended learning approach , ratio high level of practice and involvement practitioner industry contribute to effectiveness of the program. Although there is challenge related infrastructure and variations ability base students , this program succeed increase readiness participant in face demands digitalization , with 88% reporting improvement trust self in use system information health . Research This conclude that the training program is structured and oriented practice effective in develop students' digital competence nursing , with recommendation For development curriculum sustainable digital- based .
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