Syntactic and Semantic Error Analysis of Indonesian-English Translation in Purwakarta Tourism Booklet
Kata Kunci:
Syntactic, Semantic, Error Analysis, Translation, TourismAbstrak
Translating information from the source language to the target language is quite complicated. Translator sometimes made errors while translating phrases, clauses, or sentences. This study aimed to analyze syntactic and semantic errors found in Purwakarta Tourism Booklet. This study used descriptive qualitative research. The information in the booklets were identified, classified, described, and evaluated by comparing the source language and target language. This research use translation problems proposed by Napu and Pakaya(2021). The researcher is limited the focus of analsis because the researcher wants to make it more specific in linguistic category particularly in syntactic and semantic problems. The researcher found 82 errors which indicates as syntactic and semantic category. There are 42 semantic errors (51.21%) and 40 syntactic errors (48.78%). Each category was classified into four subcategories. The semantic category raised 29 lexical choice errors (69.04%), 4 idiomatic expression errors (9.52%), 5 stylistic problems (11.90%), and 4 missing translations (9.52%). On other hand, the syntactic category raised 16 word form errors(40%), followed by word order with 13 errors (32.5%), 7 misuse of grammatical items (17.5%), and 4 ommision of grammatical items (10%). Based on the results, the researcher found that the most common errors found in Purwakarta Tourism booklet is semantic category at lexical choices level and followed by syntactic category at word form problems level.
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