Analysis of Dominant Psychological Conflict of Don in Sarah in Girl in The Basement (2021) Movie Based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory


  • Nofa Rizqawanti Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Endang Susilowati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Psychoanalysis, Id, Ego, Superego, Movie, Analysis


This study focused on analyzing the psychological conflict of characters Don and Sarah in Girl In The Basement (2021) Movie. The researcher aims to analyze the characters’ Id, Ego and Superego along the movie and find out the dominant personality structure. The writer used the psychoanalysis theory of Sigmund Freud to analyze the characters’ psychological conflict along the movie. The writer used qualitative descriptive as the method, which help the author to classified each scenes into table with do the screen-shooting scenes and noting the script from each scenes. There are two results of the study. First, Don’s Id lead him to lock Sarah in the basement as a punishment of ignoring Don’s rule. Don’s ego attract him to a manipulative nature to be able to cover up Sarah’s true existence. The Superego that emerged in Don is when he remain responsible to Sarah and her children. Sarah's Id wants the freedom of life in her teenage years. Sarah's ego has a high desire to be able to live with the love of her life, Christopher. However, her Superego must take over when her father imprisoned her in the basement. Second, the writer finds the dominant Id, ego and superego on the characters Sarah and Don. Based on the 32 scenes already analyzed, the most dominant personality structure on the character Don is Id. While the dominant personality structure on Sarah's character is the Superego. Eventually Don, who is dominated by his Id, sank in a big problem. Sarah, who is dominated by her Superego, can be more mature in thinking, which led her to freedom. The writer recommend the readers to analyse the Id, Ego and Superego contained in the internal conflicts of Irene, Michael and Marie. Because they have very complex inner conflicts.


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Cara Mengutip

Nofa Rizqawanti, & Endang Susilowati. (2023). Analysis of Dominant Psychological Conflict of Don in Sarah in Girl in The Basement (2021) Movie Based on Sigmund Freud’s Theory. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 28–38. Diambil dari