Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text Through Listen – Read – Discuss (LRD) Strategy (A Pre-Experimental Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMK Kanisius Ungaran in Academic Year 2023/2024)


  • Selamet Supriyadi Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Mochamad Rizqi Adhi Pratama Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) Strategy, Reading Comprehension, Narrative Text


This study aims to improve the students’ reading comprehension, especially literal comprehension, and interpretative comprehension, using the LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) strategy. The researcher used a pre-experimental design. It took one class tenth grade of SMK Kanisius Ungaran. Cluster random sampling with lottery technique is applied to select the sample one group pre-test and post-test study. The number of samples selected was 33 students. Data obtained from the reading multiple tests. The researcher found that the result of the students‘ mean score in pre-test supported it was 63 and it was improved to be 83 in post-test. Learning to read with this strategy keeps students active and focus on what they are reading. They pay more attention to the teacher’s explanations and groups discussions in the teaching and learning process. Teachers and students can collaborate in applying the Listen-Read-Discuss strategy. Moreover, the results of statistical analysis using SPSS 26 showed that the value obtained is 0.00. When compared with the alpha value, the result is 0.00 < 0.05 so that it can be concluded that there is a significant effect on changes in reading comprehension Pre-test and Post-test. So, this strategy can improve students’ knowledge before reading the whole text and make them interested in learning. Therefore, the researcher suggests that LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) can improve students’ reading comprehension.


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Cara Mengutip

Selamet Supriyadi, & Mochamad Rizqi Adhi Pratama. (2023). Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text Through Listen – Read – Discuss (LRD) Strategy (A Pre-Experimental Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMK Kanisius Ungaran in Academic Year 2023/2024). The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 55–58. Diambil dari