The Difference of Sadako and Kayako in Japan with Kuntilanak and Sundel Bolong in Indonesia: An Anthropological Linguistic Study


  • Teguh Santoso Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Kata Kunci:

Ethnolinguistic, Culture, Belief, The Ghost’s Names, Ghost.


This study examines the two naming of ghosts in Indonesia and Japan and the emergence of such ghosts in ethnolinguistic perspectives and exposes the origin of naming ghosts in the mystical phenomenon that developed in Indonesian and Japanese societies. This naming will focus on two names of ghost types, both from Indonesia and Japan. The research method used in this research is the qualitative research method (Mahsun, 2014). The process of data collection is done by the technique of record and by recording the lexicon (a form of language) of the names of ghosts and where the ghost appears. The second technique is literature study by reading and reviewing references to the name and place of the appearance of the ghost. Data were analyzed by using meaning approach based on cultural concept (Riley, 2008).  The sociocultural concept refers to the interaction between social and cultural factors in shaping identity, behavior, and the development of individuals and society as a whole. This concept has its roots in the understanding that the social and cultural environment has a significant impact on how humans think, behave, and develop.  The results of the analysis show that these ghostly naming convictions still hold strong traditions and mystical beliefs of the past. The name and place of ghosts are adjusted to the way the ghost died. Several names of these ghosts are associated with many real life stories. Religious values integrate with the belief so inter-cultural acculturation takes place.


Koentjaraningrat. 2009. Pengantar Ilmu Antropologi [Introductory to Anthropological Science]. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Mahsun. 2014. Metode Penelitian Bahasa: Tahapan Strategi, Metode, dan Tekniknya [Research Methodology in Language: Steps of Strategies, Methods, and Texhniques]. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

Riley, Philip. 2008. Language, Culture, and Identity: An Ethnolinguistic Perspective. London: Continuum.

Internet, retrieved on 26th of August 2023. retrieved on 27th of August 2023.

https:/// retrieved on 27th of August 2023. diunduh pada tanggal retrieved on 27th of August 2023. retrieved on 27th of August 2023. retrieved on 27th of August 2023.



Cara Mengutip

Teguh Santoso. (2023). The Difference of Sadako and Kayako in Japan with Kuntilanak and Sundel Bolong in Indonesia: An Anthropological Linguistic Study. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 63–70. Diambil dari