Analysis of Financial Performance Using Financial Ratios in Cement Sub-Sector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange for The 2017-2021 Period
Kata Kunci:
Financial Performance, ROA, CAR, NPL.Abstrak
Many things are caused by the condition of instability in Indonesia which has a negative impact on economic sectors, especially companies located in Indonesia. The consequences of financial instability in Indonesia impacted many companies, including manufacturing companies. Manufacturing companies have several sub-sectors including the cement sub-sector. Cement is a valuable raw material for Indonesia. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. This is because researchers explain the characteristics of financial statements to assess the company's financial performance. The approach used in this research is a descriptive approach. A descriptive approach is an approach that is used to explain the condition of the object of research related to what, why, and how the problem arises and will be analyzed. The research subjects in question are the parties who are targeted in data collection. In this study, the subject of research is the annual financial statements of cement companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The results showed that the calculation of the ratio of liquidity, activity, and profitability in cement sub-sector companies fluctuated. In addition, the calculation of the liquidity ratios of several companies has met industry standards, the activity ratios of several companies are still below the set industry standards, and the profitability ratios of several companies have met industry standards.
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