Analysis of Criminal Laws in Hate Speech on Social Media


  • Melkie Universitas Ngudi Waluyo
  • Arista Candra Irawati Universitas Ngudi Waluyo


Technological developments make it easier for people to carry out activities to meet their needs and interact with other humans wherever they are. Technology also brings benefits such as making it easier for people to carry out daily activities. Technological developments are also one of the factors that can give rise to crime. The forms of crime that exist today are becoming more varied day by day. Meanwhile, the impact of hate speech on human rights violations is light to serious. It always starts with just words, whether on social media or through leaflets, but the effect is able to move the masses and trigger conflict and bloodshed. If it is not handled effectively, efficiently and in accordance with statutory provisions, it will have the potential to give rise to widespread social conflict, and potentially lead to acts of discrimination, violence and/or loss of life. This research uses normative juridical research methods, namely examining statutory regulations and legal theories related to criminal acts, hate speech via social media based on Indonesian positive law. The problem approaches used are the law approach and the case approach.



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Cara Mengutip

Melkie, & Arista Candra Irawati. (2024). Analysis of Criminal Laws in Hate Speech on Social Media. The Virtual International Conference on Economics, Law and Humanities, 2(1), 259–265. Diambil dari